Science Fiction Fantasy Books
@Science Fiction Fantasy – Weird Tales, Supernatural, Thrilling Sci-F, Weird Mystery
Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, Year’s Best Fanta Stories, Best of Spicy Mystery, Amazing Science Fiction Story
Stephen King, Koontz D, Wagner, Karl, Weinberg R, Quinn S.
LIST Z2; List P.xls
LIST Z2; List P.xls
LIST P- Science-Fiction, Horror, Fantasy….List z2-p…..add-on items
Author Title Description…..List Z2-P Price$ Condition Location
Ashley, Mike(ed.) Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy II C & Graf, hc, fe, dj, 1999; 34 shs(deCamp, Goulart, Davidson, Wolfe, Harrison, CS Gardner, Ellison); 494pp tbr mint- ok-sh4
Aspirin, Robert/Heck, Peter J Phule Me Twice Ace, mmpb, 2000; pbo; autographed; sf; humor 4 very fine to near mint; slight edge wear 546
Barker, Clive Cabal….(+.Lord of Illusions) PktBks, tpb, aka Books of Blood # 6 (4 nvlts(1 by p.i. Harry D’Amour) + 218pp novel(Cabal) exc horror tbr interior=nm; bc=1 tear + cr; cr fc; oa=gd ok-sh4
Barker, Clive Damnation Game Berkley, mmpb, 1990; horror; exc author; 443pp; see description contents list P 6 mint – 564
Barker, Clive Galilee A Romance; Harper, 1998; a non-horror novel by noted horror author $5 near mint LL551
Barker, Clive The Inhuman Condition PktBks, tpb; aka Book of Bloods volume 4; 2001; spine-tingling horror; best at nvlt form(5 here); exc bk tbr mint- ok-sh5
Bates, Jeremy Dark Hearts Ghillinnein, tpb, fe, 2015; pbo; horror/terror; 4 short fpn novels, 278pp; Aust/Canadian author; simple style; effective everyday horror of persons who seem normal UNTIL….; exc fc art $6 mint 564
Blassingame, Wyatt Lady of the Yellow Death & Other Stories Ramble House, tpb, Vol. 2; 2011; 9 nlvts; 289pp; “weird menace” shs from pulps Dime Mystery, Horror Stories, Terror Tales 1934-9; Keeper ? tbr mint- ok-sh5
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 Ballantine, mmpb, 1991; deservedly a classic; when books were criminal & all to be destroyed $5 vf-nm 564
Brooks, Terry Running with the Demon Ballantine, 2007, re; sf/fantasy; a dream-haunted man & a gifted young girl meet ? very fine to near mint
Brown, Fredric Martians & Madness; omplete SF novels of F.B. NESFA Press, hc, fe, dj, 2002; 5 novel + 2 nvlt omnibus; see individual titles this list for id of 5 novels; 2 nvlts are ones Brown combined into Rogue in Space; 8pp intro by W Tenn; 633pp tbr nm- ok-sh2
Campbell, John W The Ultimate Weapon Ace #84331; mmpb, pbo, nd; aka “Uncertainty” in Amazing Stories; 123pp; sf; interplanetary war $3 nm 564
Carroll, Jonathan The Panic Hand St Martins, hc, fe, dj(fine+), 1996; 20 shs(1 new); 295pp; wide varienty fantasy; 12 from sf/horror magazines(3 from Weird Tales)(1987-94) $10 mint- 564
Cave, Hugh B The Dawning Leisure, mmpb, 2000, pbo; a small group of survivors escape USA into woodland Canada to meet a new, horrorific danger; copy 1 $4 very fine to near mint; slight edge wear otherwise near mint 546
Cave, Hugh B The Dawning Leisure, mmpb, 2000, pbo; a small group of survivors escape USA into woodland Canada to meet a new, horrorific danger; copy 2 $5 nm-m 564
Chandler, A. Bertram John Grimes: Tramp Captain SFBC, hc, fe, dj, 2003, bce; sf; 699pp; nice dj(nm) art; 2003; interplanetary adventure; re 4 una novels(1978-81: To Keep the Ship/Matilda’s Stepchildren/Star Loot/Anarchy Lords); wmb $8 mint- ok-sh7
Clarke, Arthur C Songs of Distant Earth Ballantine, mmpb, 1987; sf; colonization of a no-longer paradise planet ? nm-; bump back corner sps ?
Clegg, Douglas You Come When I Call You Leisure, mmpb, 2000; pbo; horror; evil awaits those in a dying desert town in California $4 very fine; back cover barcode overstickered 546
Conklin, Groff(ed.) Omnibus of Science Fiction Bonanza, hc, dj, re 1952 Crown ed.; mostly late 1930’s to 1952 shs(42); exc book; 561pp tbr very fine to near mint ok-sh1
Cox, Michael/Gilbert, R.A.(ed.) Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories Oxford U Pr, hc, fe, dj, 1986; horror; 504pp; 42 shs; timeframe 1829-1968; classic collection of 42 different authors; 9pp intro; wmb tbr mint- ok-sh3
Crichton, Michael Andromeda Strain Ballantine #37848;1993; a virus..microscopic seeds of Earth’s extinction; experts & military fight back $4 mint- 569
Crichton, Michael Timeline Ballantine, mmpb, 2000; 496pp; action/sf; time(multiverse) travel; 600 yrs back into brutal medieval European warring times; compelling & effective $4 nm- 569
Datlow, Ellen(ed.) Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex Ace, 1997, 20 shs; sf/horror; Farmer, Oates, Delaney, Matheson, etc; loc.: ? ? mint- ?
del Rey, Lester Best of Lester Del Rey Ballantine, mmpb, 1978, pbo; 16 sf shs(1938-64); 366pp; (2 from Unknown, 1 Argosy, balance sf mags) tbr sps=Gd; balance vg ok-sh4
Derleth, August(ed.) Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Grafton(UK), mmpb, 1988, 508pp; complete/unabridged Arkham Hse re(not a 2 volume set like others); offshoot shs inspired by H.P. Lovecraft; 21 shs by Lovecraft, Bloch, CA Smith, RE Howard, Long, Derleth, Kuttner, etc 16 very good to fine 546
Devereaux, Robert Caliban & Other Tales Leisure, mmpb, 5 shorts reprinted + Caliban(225pp new novel); horror; 359pp $4 vf-nm; close nm- 564
Dick, Philip K Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Ballantine, tpb, 1968 re set in 2021; base for Blade Runner; are they identified?; sf $6 mint- 564
Dick, Philip K Selected Stories of Philip K Dick Pantheon, hc, fe, 2002, dj; 21 shs, wmb, sf, 476pp; 7 I consider excellent & 5 good; outstanding selection of an author for decades I had no wish to read 12 mint- 564
Disch, Thomas M Fundamental Disch Bantam, mmpb, 1980, pbo, 15 shs, sf, 398pp tbr fine to very fine ok-sh4
Donaldson, Stephen R Daughters of Regals & Other Tales Ballantine, hc, fe, dj, 1984; 2 nvlts(new) + 6 shs; fantasy(7), horror(1); 337pp; exc art dj 5 mint- except few tiny dings dust jacket 564
Elder, Joseph(ed.) The Farthest Reaches PktBks, mmpb, 1969; 12 shs all by major sf authors; Vance, Laumer/Silverbert, etc. + J Jakes, J McKimmey tbr medium spine roll, water stain, fair, reading copy ok-sh1
Elliott, John Dragon Feast Belmont, mmpb 1970; pbo; exc art fc; California fell to the Chinussian occupation 7 very good to fine 546
Everson, John Vigilantes of Love Twilight Tales, tpb, 2003; 15 shs(8 new); horror, fantasy; 132pp tbr nm- ok-sh4
Farris, John Phantom Nights Tor, mmpb, 2005; horror; a Tennessee race relations, a deathbed secret, an adventuresome teen, and a nurse that didn’t die; exceptional 5 very fine to near mint 546
Farris, John Soon She will be Gone Forge, hc, fe, dj, 1997; bereaved brother blackmails disabled woman to help catch/kill suspected murderer of his sister $4 mint-; ex-library ok-sh9
Farris, John The Fury Tor, mmpb, 1985; horror; made to dePalma movie; 2 deadly children 4 good+; edge wear, corner crease back cover, interiro very fine 569
Farris, John The Fury Tor, hc, dj(vf-nm), 2000; horror; 2 children from notable backgrounds possessing deadly psychic power $6 mint- 569
Farris, John Wildwood Tor, hc, fe, dj, 1986; horror; a N.Carolina millionaire’s mansion..up for development; the location’s evaluator & fun step into a hellish merry-go-round $3 vg..for ex-library; all stickers/marks present 569
Fast, Howard Edge of Tomorrow Bantam #f3309, mmpb, 7 sf shs, 1966(3rd) re of pbo tbr very fine+ ?
Finney, Jack About Time Fireside, tpb, 1986; time travel fantasy; 5 shs r/f 3rd Level and 7 from I Love Galesburg in the Springtime; exc writings 5 good to very good; crease right top corner front cover 564
Gaiman, Neil Anansi Boys Harper, mmpb, 2006; fantasy; his father, God, died very fine to near mint; hinge crease ?
Gelb, Jeff/Garrett, Michael(ed.) Hot Blood: Stranger by Night PktStarBks, hc, fe, dj, 1995; 18 shs; Lumley, Hodge, R Campbell, B Jones, Masterson, etc; horror/crime tbr vf-nm; some foxing edges of pages when book stood upright ok-sh4
Gonzalez, J.F. (male) Survivor Leisure/Dorchester, mmpb, 2006; horror; a romantic weekend sees husband arrested, wife kidnapped–to be an actress in a snuff film 4 vf-nm; barcode bc overstickered 569
Gordon, Stuart Three-Eyes DAW 171, uw1206, 1075; sf; pbo; a descent of disasters to a warped world; exc Whelan fc 3 very good+; hinge crease ?
Grant, Charles L(editor) Greystone Bay Tor, mmpb, pbo, 1985; 14 new shs; Bloch, NK Hoffman, McCammon, Yarbro, JP Brennan; horror; 1st in series 8 very good to fine; edge wear, slight scuffs backc cover and front cover 546
Grant, Charles L(editor) In the Fog Tor, hc, fe, dj(vg-), 1993; final shs of Greystone Bay series(#4); horror; 298pp; 7 shs(Grant, CS Gardner, Yarbro; Nancy Holden(the best), etc. $7 near mint- except ex-library 564
Grant, Charles L(editor) In the Fog Tor, mmpb, 1994; final shs of Greystone Bay series(#4); horror; 298pp; 7 shs(Gran, CS Gardner, Yarbro, N Holden(the best), etc. $11 very fine+; edge wear 569
Grant, Charles L Tales from the Nightside Futura(UK), 1988, mmpb; reprints Arkam Hse ed 15 shs from 3 series; horror; 228pp $11 fine to very fine; slight scuffs and edge wear 569
Gunn, James E The Burning Dell 0861, mmpb, 1972, pbo; re 3 part novel originally published in 3 different sf digests; physical assault on scientific persons 3 good to very good; hinge crease, slight spine/strip area roll 547
Gunn, James E.(ed.) Best of Astounding(magazine) C & Graf, hc, fe, dj, 1992; 6 classic short novels(Lovecraft, deCamp, Leinster, Blish, Anderson, Asimov) from Golden Age of SF(1932-58); 438pp 5 nm- LL551
Harding, Allison(fem) Masters of Horror. Vol.1; Allison Harding Arm-Chair Fiction(pub), tpb, #MH1; horror; 16 pulp shs from Weird Tales(1943-51); 356pp; 2020 tbr mint ok-sh5
Heinlein, Robert Citizen of the Galaxy Ballantine, mmpb, 1978; slave in a future world 3 good+ 546
Heinlein, Robert Podkayne of Mars Baen, mmpb, 1995; wonderful book; 205pp novel with 73 bonus fan/reviewer/etc. pp including “Postlude” 7pp by Heinlein in 1989; enjoyable by many older but some classify it for teen audience; fpn 5 nm- 569
Heinlein, Robert Starship Trooper Ace, tpb, 2006; fpn; sf; military eyeball view of space warfare; a recruit of the future joins with terran forces against an alarming enemy 5 near mint-; edge wear spine area LL551
Howard, Robert E Bloody Crown of Conan Ballantine, hc, dj(vf), 2003; 1 short novel & 2 long nvlts..People of Black Circle/A Witch is Born/Hour of the Dragon( re from 1934-5 pulp magazines); famous s & s character; MANY good Gianni interior b & w art(especially 4 exc full pp ones); 304 pp + 60 pp of extras 40 mint- LL551
Hubbard, L Ron If I Were You Galaxy Pr., tpb, pbo, 2008; nvlt + short story “The Last Drop”; both fantasy; pulp fc, illos; extras; lp$10; wmb 5 mint- 546
Hubbard, L Ron The Great Secret Galaxy Pr, tpb, 2008; re 4 pulp sf shs(Unknown and Astounding); fantasy/sf; Hubbard index, etc; copy 2 5 mint ex owners name inside(hidden under cover flap) 564
Joyce, Graham Indigo PktBks, hc, fe, dj, 2000; a process server acting as estate admin finds decedent, perhaps insane, who has discovered a color in the spectrum previously invisible to human eyes 5 mint- ?
Kline, Otis Adelbert Swordsman of Mars Planet St. Pr. #12; hc, dj(vf), 2007; re 1933 interplanetary/s&s a la Burroughs; a body shift to a Martian; 229pp; 8pp Moorcock intro 5 nm- 564
Koontz, Dean/Anderson, Kevin J. Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein “Prodigal Son…book 1”; Bantam, pbo, 2005; horror; 469pp; an alternate vision of the classic Stoker novel 4 vf-nm..close nm 569
Koontz, Dean Innocence Bantam, hc, fe, dj, 2014; horror; he, disfigured at birth..a sub-terranean male wandering the earth & finds a solitary hunted female 5 mint- except repaired tears pages 297-300 569
Koontz, Dean Midnight Berkley, mmpb, 1989; 5pp afterword by DK; Moonlight Cove where 4 survivors face the worst; 470pp; copy 3 4 nm 564
Koontz, Dean Midnight Berkley, mmpb, 1989; 5pp afterword by DK; Moonlight Cove where 4 survivors face the worst; 470pp; copy 2 4 mint- 564
Koontz, Dean Sole Survivor Knopf, hc, dj(f-vf), 1997, fe; supernatural; widower with his 3 dead(?) in plane crash finds conspiracy, murder, and the unknown 5 mint- except dust jacket(tiny hole back edge of dust jacket flap LL551
Koontz, Dean The Taking Bantam, hc, fe, dj, 2004; weather & unknowable threatens town; suspense/horror 4 very fine to near mint; owners name interior on front end end page LL551
Koontz, Dean The Taking Bantam, mmpb, 2005; weather & unknowable threaten town; suspense/horror 4 nm- 564
Koontz, Dean TickTock Ballantine, mmpb, 1997; Chinese-American author of detective stories vs. a Devil-Doll; horror 4 nm 569
Koontz, Dean What the Night Knows Bantam, hc, fe, dj, 2010; shv5; supernatural(ghost of rapist/murderer threats detective and his family) 4 very fine to near mint LL551
Koontz, Dean Your Heart Belongs to Me Bantam, hc, fe, dj, 2008; if you had surgery to replace your heart, would the donor stalk you? 5 near mint- LL551
Kuttner, Henry/Catherine Moore Clash by Night & Other Stories Hamlyn(UK), 1980; 5 sf shs(4 from mid-1940’s pulps); 215pp 6 fine-; 4 letters marked top edges of pages visible when book stood on end 569
Kuttner, Henry Terror in the House Hafner Pr.; hc, fe, dj, 2010; 40 pulp shs(1936-9); 661pp; weird/sf/horror; volume 1(the early Kuttner); KEEPER ? tbr mint ok-sh5
Koontz, Dean Watchers Berkley, mmpb, 1998; horror; 2 genetically-altered life forms loose on public $4 nm 564
Laymon, Richard Friday Night in Beast House Leisure, mmpb, 2010; horror; 142pp title novel+ shs(“The Wilds”, about 90pp) tbr nm-m ok-sh4
Laymon, Richard In the Dark Leisure, mmpb, 2001; horror; 503pp; D Koontz intro; young fem librarian lured into a nightmare of terror 4 vf-nm; almost nm 546
Laymon, Richard Night in the Lonesome October Leisure, mmpb, 2002; pbo; horror; copy 1 4 mint- 546
Laymon, Richard Night in the Lonesome October Leisure, mmpb, 2002; pbo; horror; copy 2 4 nm- 564
LeGuin, Ursula K Orsinian Tales Bantam, mmpb, fantasy; 11 shs, 1977; medieval; at least 4 from obscure sources; 209pp 4 very fine to near mint; bump bottom spine 569
Leinster, Murray Best of Murray Leinster Ballantine, mmpb, pbo, 1978; 13 shs(10 from Astounding(1934-46)+Colliers(1)+Thrilling Wonder St(2); sf; copy 1 tbr vg ok-sh3
Leinster, Murray Best of Murray Leinster Ballantine, mmpb, pbo, 1978; 13 shs(10 from Astounding(1934-46)+Colliers(1)+Thrilling Wonder St(2); sf; copy 2 4 vg- ..except punch hole top right corner front cover 564
Lieberman, Herbert Crawl-Space PktBks, mmpb, 1972; retired couple in new house finds horror under the floor; horror 3 good+; minor warpage, some browning spots inner front cover and inenr back cover 569
Little, Bentley The Return Signet, hc, fe, dj, 2002; horror 5 mint-; owner’s bookplate/minor ink marks inside front bed LL551
Little, Bentley The Revelation Signet, mmpb, 1999; small town with a curse of dying infants & religious-type vandalism SOLD mint-
Lockhart, Ross E(ed.) Book of Cthulhu II Nightshade, tpb, 2012; horror; in vein of HP Lovecraft; 24 shs(4 new); Leiber, KE Wagner, Chabon, Gaiman; 426pp 7 very fine to near mint; shiny spot top right corner front cover, edge wear ok-sh3
Lovecraft, H.P. At the Mountains of Madness Ballantine 23225, 1974(4th); Arkham Hse re; includes Statement of Randolph Carter, Dreams in the Witch House, title shs + 2 more; classic horror 4 good+; slight wrinkles front cover, couple slight crease front cover, stamp front end page and back end page 564
MacDonald, John D Wine of the Dreamers F.G.Medal #p3263, mmpb, nd, @1951; sf novel tbr vf-nm; slight scuffs fc ok-sh4
Martin,G.R.R/Dozois, G.(ed.) Down these Strange Streets Ace, hc, fe, dj, 2011; 16 new shs; urban fantasy(horror, p.i., weird) Lansdale(hb, black p.i.), Lisa Tuttle(S Holmesian), S Green(p.i.), S Saylor & J.M. Roberts(historicals), L King, G Cook, C Harris; 479pp 5 mint-; back cover barcode overstickered ok-sh2
Masterson, Graham DoorKeepers Leisure, mmpb, 2003, pbo; brother investigates sister’s murder with help of psychic 4 near mint 546
Masterson, Graham Master of Lies Tor, hc, fe, dj(vf-nm), 1992; horror 5 near mint LL551
Matheson, Ricahard Nightmare at 20,00 Feet Tor, tpb, 2002, nice fc art; 20 shs1951-69); horror 5 mint- 546
Matheson, Ricahard Incredible Shrinking Man Tor, mmpb, 2008; sf; 208pp classic, excellent novel + 9 of best shs; 373pp 9 very fine to near mint 564
McCormack, Win(ed.) Tin House…fantastic women issue McCormack Comm(pub); tpb, vol 9 #1, Fall 2007; 303pp; lp$17; fantasy/imaginative fiction; 19 shs, poetry, essay(Angela Carter workshop); quality paper stock; #33; quarterly 9 mint- 569
Moore, C.L. (Catherine) Northwest Smith Ace, mmpb, aka Scarlet Dream, 1982, 10 wonderful pulp interplanetary space opera shs(1933-6 Weird Tales +obscure 1957 final one) 4 good to very good; edge wear, slight spine roll 564
Morrell, David The Totem Warner, mmpb, 1995; horror; author’s restoration of material publisher cut out for 1979 edition; past rejection of commune/hippie community returns as a town’s murderous burden 4 good to very good; edge wear, bumps back cover 564
Morris, Janet/Cherryh,C/Drake,D Heroes in Hell Baen, mmpb, 1986, pbo; 6 nvlts(+Benford, Asire, C Morris, shared universe/historical figures re-do history, exc fc art, 274pp; copy 2 4 very good to fine; slight crease front cover top right corner 564
Offutt, Andrew, J Shadowspawn Ace, mmpb, 1987; s&s; Thieves World series #4; s & s; master thief fleeing, then robbed; 11 coins that vanish as 1-by-1 a stranger dies each time 5 near mint 569
Olson, Neil Before the Devil Fell Hanover Square, small tpb, 2021; lp$10; returning home, he finds his mother’s modern day coven & ancient witchcraft 5 mint- 569
Pelan, John/Adams, Benjamin(ed.) Children of Cthulhu Ballantine, hc, fe, dj(inner flap cr), 2002; 469pp; 21 shs in HP Lovecraft vein(Laymon, Hodge, Dorr, Reaves, Brite, Tem); horror 6 vf-nm except stamp back end page ok-sh3
Percy, Benjamin Red Moon Grand Central, tpb, 530p, 2014; literary werewolf; acclaimed fantasy/thriller $4 very fine+; slight bump edge first few pages LL548
Pratchett, Terry Sorcery Signet, hc, fe, dj, 1989; fantasy; Discworld $5 mint- LL551
Preiss, Byron/Betancourt(ed.) Ultimate Zombie Dell, tpb, pbo, 1993; 23 shs(19 new): Anne Rice, Somtow, Yarbro, R Silverberg, Brunner, Ellison, Weinberg, N Hoffman, G Wolfe; copy 2 $7 very fine to near mint; slight edge wear 546
Price, E Hoffmann Far Lands Other Days Carcosa, hc, fe, dj, 1975; 31 shs..1926-43(30) + 1950(1); pulp st r/f Weird Tales, Spicy Mystery(& Adventure), Strange Stories(& Detective), Argosy, Speed Mystery, Short St, Terror Tales, Golden Fleece); 599pp; many illos by comic artist George Evans; chiefly adventure in vein of Robert E Howard’s El Borak & Seabury Quinn’s El Tigre shs $47 mint-; except quarter-size rub on spine area panel & several tiny rubs on back cover & tiny foxing marks top edges of pages visible only when pages closed & book stood upright) ok-sh2
Price, E Hoffmann Operation Misfit Ballantine, mmpb, 1980, pbo; sf; rebels against a plastic life exiled to deep space; exc pulp writer of old $4 very good+’; edge wear 564
Rollo, Gord Crimson Leisure, mmpb, 2009, pbo; horror; 4 boys as they grow up with a frightening monster haunting their dreams & lives; very effective traditional horror; his 2nd novel, both very good $4 good to very good 569
Russell, Craig(Galt, Christopher) The Third Testament aka: Biblical; Quercus(UK), tpb, 2015; psychiatrist John Macbeth seeks causes for mass visionary hysteria, mass suicides; thriller/horror $7 mint- 569
Rollo, Gord All Fall Down Bantam, mmpb, aka The Good Project; 1991; horror; healthy infants/children mysterious dying in small town $4 mint- 546
Saul, John Black Creek Crossing Ballantine, hc, fe, dj, 2004; 2 teens discover the evil of their new town and house; supernatural suspense $5 nm- except ink marks front end page LL551
Saul, John Blackstone Chronicles Fawcett/Crest,1st hc.. 1997, published concurrently formatted as 6 mmpb as 75pp interlocking serial novel, dj, bce; 416pp; horror/suspense; Blackstone town & Connally family; excellent; the closed-down mental asylum was not untennanted $10 near mint 569
Saul, John In the Dark of the Night Ballantine, hc, fe, dj, 2006; supernatural suspense;…another house with a past & a life of its own(4 some) $5 mint- except small sticker front end page LL551
Saul, John Right Hand of Evil Ballantine, hc, fe, dj(vf), 1999; supernatural suspense;..a house with a life of its own(2 residents) $5 nm except ink marks front end page LL551
Saul, John Right Hand of Evil Ballantine, hc, fe, dj, 1999; supernatural suspense;..a house with a life of its own(2 residents); copy 2 $5 mint- 564
Saul, John The Homing Fawcett/Ballantine, hc, fe, dj(vf), 1994; horror; effective shs of ill-fated experiment with bees; for strong stomachs $5 very fine dust jacket 564
Saul, John The Presence Ballantine/Fawcett, hc, fe, dj, 1997; horror/terror/suspense for fem anthropologist exploring human remains on Hawaii $5 near mint to mint LL551
Saul, John The Unloved Bantam, mmpb, 1990(4th ptg); horror; returning to the S.C. mansion and death $3 very good; edge wear, corner crease back cover 564
Saul, John The Unloved Bantam, pbo, mmpb, 1988; returning to the S.C. mansion and death; horror $4 near mint 546
Saul, John When the Wind Blows Dell, mmpb, 1986(3rd ptg); horror; the dead children wait in a flooded mine in a dying town; D/D book club+Literary Guild selections; a 9 year old girl enters a house of terror $4 very fine to near mint ?
Segal, S.H./Wallace, Sean(ed.) Weird Tales; 21st Century, vol. 1 Prime Bks, fe, tpb, 2007; 12 shs(10 r/f WT #342-46; all 12 by newer authors), 206pp; WT magazine in another format; lp$7 $7 mint- except little noticable 2 inches scratch in front cover logo 564
Shepard, Lucius Kalimantan ( short stories) Tor, 1993; pbo; 1st USA ed; sf; 161pp novel +; illustrated 4 good+; edgewear, tiny piece out front cover edge 546
Steele, Addison E Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Dell 10843; mmpb, sf, mti, 1979(2nd); based on GA Larson/L Stevens teleplay $5 nm- 564
Sturgeon, Theodore Killdozer: vol. 3: complete short… ..stories of T.S.; N.Atlantic Bks, tpb, 1994, 367pp; 15 pulp shs(Unknown, WT, Astounding, Playboy, Amazing, + 3 unpublished)) tbr vf+; edge wear ok-sh4
Telep, Trisha(ed.) Mammoth Bk Futuristic Romance Running Press, tpb, 2013, 19 shs;…see listing in list Z2-A n/a n/a n/a
Tessier, Thomas Finishing Touches Leisure, mmpb, 2005; horror; 247pp novel + 76pp nvlt(Father Panic’s Opera Macabre); 2 USA men abroad(England, Italy) who enter 2 very different doors to hell(one of his own making); erotic horror/noir; both outstanding, but for strong stomachs 5 vf-nm except medium eddge wear lower edge front cover 564
Tessier, Thomas Fogheart St Martins, hc, fe, dj, 1998; horror; 2 sisters a “medium” team and 2 couples for a reading meet disaster 3 near mint; ex-library 564
Toyne, Simon The Searcher Morrow, mmpb, 2016, lp$10; a plane crash, a mysterious man..possible survivor of air unknown personal memory..death seeks him in the nearest town with a same-day widow..action/ghost; good book 5 fine+; slight edge wear, slight spine lean 569
Tuttle, Lisa Memories of the Body Grafton(UK), tpb, pbo, 1992; 15 shs; strange/horror shs 7 very fine-; minor wrinkles bottom corner front cover, slight edge wear LL551
Unknown(ed) Amazing Stories January 1988; 162pp digest-size; sf; R Silverberg, KK Rusch, etc; exc George Barr full page interior art 3 nm 564
Unknown(ed) Analog May 1986; sf/fact; digest-size; 192pp; Spider Robinson, H Turtledove 3 very good-; edge wear, crease back cover 564
Unknown(ed) From Mind to Mind (Analog’s) Davis Pub; digest; anthology #9; Winter 1984; “tales of communication”; 288pp; hi word count; 1942-82; 16 shs; Schmidt(ed.); Padgett, Piper, EF Russell, Vance, Boucher 4 interior is near mint, crease back cover, quarter-size minor stain top front cover 564
Unknown(ed.) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction mid-December 1986; 192pp; sf; digest-size; I Asimov’s new robot shs; Harlan Ellison, Lucius Shepard 8 mint- 564
Unknown(ed.) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction September 1998; McAuley, Jablokov, Tiedemann, Nansel, Frost, Swanwick; 144p; lp$3 3 very fine+ 546
Unknown(ed.) Fantasy & Science Fiction(magazine Oct-Nov 1998; #567; Tanith Lee, Sheckley, R Pollack(fairy tale); 240pp; 49th anniversary issue 3 very fine to near mint; edge wear bottom edge back cover 546
Unknown(ed.) Fantasy & Science Fiction(magazine March 2002; #604; Carol Emshwiller, Al Cowdrey, R Reed, M McHugh, James Kelly; 162pp; lp$3.50 2.5 nm 546
Unknown(ed.) Other Worlds Science Stories May 1950, #4; digest; Eric F Russell(“Dear Devil”), J Bixby, AE vanVogt; 162pp; nice alien mothering human child fc art 4 good 564
Unknown(ed.) Venture Science Stories May 1957; James E Gunn, Sturgeon, P Anderson, MZ Bradley, Walter M Miller jr.; digest; 130pp; few pages 1 corner slight chipping 4 good 564
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) #313; Summer 1998; lp$5; 66pp; 9 shs; T Lee, I Watson, M Tem, D Schweitzer; ex full page S Fabian int. art SOLD vf..ex sl pulls at sps & semi-crease fc corner ok-sh4
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) #314; Fall 1998; 66pp; horror, etc; 8 shs; Tanith Lee, Schow, Stablefor, Somtow, Van Pelt; S Fabian nice fc + 1 whole entire page; lp$5 SOLD nm-; sl sps rubs, tiny cr fc 2 corners 564
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) #316; Summer 1999; 66pp; horror, etc; 8 shs; Ligotti, Ian Watson, T Lee, Lord Dunsany, Keith Taylor SOLD nm-m 564
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) 317; Fall 1999; 66pp; Hugh Cave, D Schweitzer (Tom O’Bedlam), Stableford, van Pelt; horror, etc; lp $5; exc full page S Fabian art; quality paper SOLD mint; white pp 564
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) #318; Winter 1999-2000; 66pp; horror, etc.; 9 shs; R Campbell, T Lee, K Taylor, Val Pelt, G. Barr; S Fabian/G Barr interior art; copy 1 $8 nm-; slight crease top right corner front cover 564
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) #318; Winter 1999-2000; 66pp; horror, etc.; 9 shs; R Campbell, T Lee, K Taylor, Val Pelt, G. Barr; S Fabian/G Barr interior art; copy 2 SOLD mint-; white pp 564
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) #334; Jan-Feb 2004; 58pp; Schweitzer, Betancourt, CL Harness; horror, etc; lp$6 SOLD mint – 564
Unknown(ed.) Weird Tales(side-stapled) #335; March-April 2004; 58pp; horror, etc.; 5 shs; T Lee, I Watson, Michael Bishop; i/v: Terry Pratchett; poem: Jane Ricel lovely fc art Rowena SOLD nm 564
Unknown(ed) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror(aka Weird Tales) #3; Summer 1996; 7 shs; horror, etc; T Lee, Rob Sampson, Lord Dunsany, C Williamson; short run of essentially Weird Tales Magazine(3 issues); 66pp; exc S Fabian full page art; successful horrific fc SOLD vf-; 3″ cr bc; bundling right edge cvrs 564
VanderMeer, Ann & Jeff(ed.) The Weird Tor, massive 110 shs, 1126pp anthology, tpb, 2011; strange/weird/non-conventional, dark; nice fc; many unfamiliar authors(21 translated shs) 24 mint-; slight edge bump edge front cover 569
vanVogt, A.E./Anderson, Kevin J Slan & Slan Hunter SFBC; 2007; hc, dj, bce; classic vanVogt in Slan & his draft of S.H. completed by long-time fan Anderson; sf 6 mint- 569
Waugh,Charles/Greenberg, MH Sci-Fi Private Eye ROC, mmpb, 1997, 9 shs(Asimov, Niven, Anderson, Silverberg, Farmer, Westlake, Niven, Dick; cosmic crime; pbo tbr near mint-; edge wear ok-sh4
Weinberg, Robert City of Heroes CDS Bks, mmpb, 2005; fantasy; based on online game of same name; city of Paragon hero Statesman faces reclusive criminal mastermind; 1930 setting 5 nm-; minor wrinkles spine area 569
Williamson, J.N.(male) The Houngan Leisure 744, mmpb, 1980, pbo, fpn; effective horror; unemployed guy joins company for voodoo duties 5 vf-nm
Wilson, F Paul Aftershock & Others Forge, hc, fe, dj(f), 2009; “19 oddities”; 16 shs+ many memories; various genres; 3 I enjoyed(the only Repairman Jack); + 2 great oriental pulp shs(Sex Slaves of the Dragon Tong & Part of the Game); 352pp 7 vf-nm for ex-library(only 2 minor markings) LL551
Wilson, F Paul Soft and Others Tor, mmpb, 1989, pbo; 16 shs of wonder & dread tbr fair-gd; hic, wr sps ok-sh4
Wilson, F Paul The Barrens and Others Forge, hc, dj(nm-), fe, 1998; sf/horror/crime; 13 shs + adaptation + teleplay; shs introductions; 379pp 8 mint- in very fine to near mint dust jacket 564
Winter, Douglas E Prime Evil Signet, mmpb, 1989; 13 new shs by all-stars: King, Barker, Ligotti, Morrell, Campbell, Etchison, Straub, Strieber, etc 6 very fine; slight edge wear 546
Winter, Douglas E Stephen King: the Art of Darkness Plume, tpb, 1986; nf; “life & fiction of” expanded/updated ed.(from 1984); if King is your guy, this would be essential tbr vf+ ex im fep(1 x 3″) ok-sh4
Wolfe, Gene Shadow of the Torturer PktBks, mmpb, 1981; sf; member of a guild of torturers fallen victim to love wondering thru a world of science and fantasy 3 good+; crease corner front cover, scratches, edge wear 569
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn(fem) Cautionary Tales Panther(UK), 1983, mmpb; 13 shs; very strange sf-horror ? very good to fine; bump bottom spine/strip area ?
Zagat, Arthur Leo Corpse Factory & Other Stories Ramble Hse, tpb, vol. 2, 2013, 8 pulp nvlts “weird menace” r/f 1934-7 Dime Mystery & Horror Stories; 296pp tbr mint- ok-sh5
Zelazny, Roger Chronicles of Amber: volume 1 & 2 D/Day, hc, bce, dj, nd; Boris fc; includes Nine Princes in Amber & Guns of Avalon; sf/adventure of 5 part series 5 mint- in fine dust jacket 569
Zipes, Jack(tr/intro/ed.) Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm Bantam, tpb, 1992, 750p, illustrated; fantasy; may be “keeper” tbr slight edge wear; near mint- ok-sh4