Fanzines, Strips, Art + Appreciations, Clipped Sunday Strips


LIST Z2; List F.xls

LIST F- Strips, Fanzines, Good Art
Z2-F add-ons
Baum, LF/Santore, ChWizard of OzSterling/Kohl’s, hc, 2012; 96pp; 9×12″; dust jacket + imprinted dust jacket(very fine); full color; beautiful art on all pages, some double page spreads by Charles Santore; good text shs alsoTen dollarsnear mint-489
Barks,Carl/Rosa, DonUncle Scrooge 301-345 cdcd(UK); includes Uncle Scrooge comic books(every page) for issues 301 thru 345; has expensive/scarce issues with Rosa art such as 309–314; includes reader softwear; superior quality; has 28+ Barks shs & 11+ Rosa shs and the usual nice art by Block, Goffredson, Jiipes; 2 exc Scarpa & Massaroli shs; one owner; played once$14 near mint to mintshv5
Staff, EC ComicsImpact: the EC ArchivesDark Horse, hc, fe, dj(+imdj), 2020, 160pp, full color; 20 shs(Crandall..4; J Davis..4: G Ingels..5; Kreigstein (“Master Race”+1); Orlando, Kamen, etc.; lp$50; many “twist/shock” endings; re of 1955 5 classic comics; 5 lovely fc + 1 exc interior by Jack Davis; see scans$33 mint-489
Editors, Quantum CatFrank Frazetta Fantasy IllustratedQuantum Cat(Pub); #7; July 1999; 5 shs; generally s&s fantasy; Frazetta exc fc art; 96pp; lp$6; 18pp b&w Alex Nino art/writer; balance of art in color$9 mint-511
Editors, Quantum CatFrank Frazetta Fantasy IllustratedQuantum Cat(Pub); #8; Sept 1999; 6 shs; generally s&s fantasy; Frazetta exc fc art; 96pp; lp$6; 12pp color Alex Nino art; 14 illos by Zook; 2 full page unfamiliar Frazetta barbarian pp$9 near mint511
Lariar, LawrenceCartooning for EverybodyCrown, hc, fe, dj, 1941(7th); over 100 illos; 150pp; 7+ x 10+ “; b&w; appears excellent starters learning book; includes selling sources for cartoonists; SP $25. nm in fine dj511
Rodrigues, CharlesGag on ThisFantagraphics, hc, 2015; 6.5 x 6.4″; b & w; “scrofulous cartoons of ..; 424pp; 416 brilliant, sick, distressing, non-politically correct, gruesome, hilarious, degenerate cartoons(1 per page); excellent paper & repro; laminated djtbrnm ken’s table
Zimmer, Daniel(editor)Tom Lovell IllustratorIllust.Pr, hc, fe, dj, 2019; 224pp, 9.5 x 12″; lp$45+; su artist for covers/interiors for pulp and slick magazines especially romance & pulp genres; 7pp text; best quality paper/color/repro$40 mint ok-sh 6 1/2
Editors, National LampoonThat’s SickContemporary Bks, tpb, 1994; “rudest & crudest cartoons” from NL magazine; 128pp; b & w; 8 x 8″; 19 cartoonists(Rodrigues, Gross, Callahan, Caldwell); great Bud Grace electric chair execution fc; 10 by Rodrigues5fine; sl edw; bump top edge fc/bc otherwise mint-ken’s table
LIST Z2; List F.xls